
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Volcano Experiment

 Aim: To make a volcano erupt. 


  1. Glue a 750mL bottle to a piece of cardboard.
  2. Glue scrunched up balls of newspaper to the bottle and cardboard. 
  3. Glue strips of paper to the bottle and other parts of news paper. 
  4. After it has dried paint it to look like your volcano. 
Research: Today Mount Vesuvius is the only active volcano on the European mainland. It's last eruption was in 1944 and it's last major eruption was in 1631. 

How do volcanoes form?

On land, volcanoes form when one tectonic plate moves under another. Usually a thin, heavy oceanic plate subducts, or moves under, a thicker continental plate.  When enough magma builds up in the magma chamber, it forces its way up to the surface and erupts, often causing volcanic eruptions. 

Difference between lava and magma?

Magma is composed of molten rock and is stored in the Earth's crust. Lava is magma that reaches the surface of our planet through a volcano vent. As they are both molten rock that emerges from below the Earth, it can get confusing identifying one from the other.


Did it work? 

Yes, our volcano did work.

Would you do anything differently?

Make more houses.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Eclipses - Science

Solar Eclipse

 How do they occur? 

- A solar eclipse occurs when the moon gets between earth and the sun. 

What do we see?

- When the total eclipse of the sun is completed, the shadow of the moon passes and sunlight appears once again at the western edge of the sun.

When was the last solar eclipse? When is the next one?

- In 1965 and the next will be in 2028.

Diagram -

Lunar eclipse

How do they occur? 

- A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes through the earths shadow.

What do we see?

When was the last one? When is the next one?

- January 21 2019 and the next one is November 19 2021.


Thursday, August 5, 2021

Social studies

 What I have been learning in social studies :)

I'm gonna mention a few if not all things I have learnt in social studies the past week. 
  • Racism towards Muslim community/Zeinab's Writing.
  • Dawn raids/Jacinda Ardern's apology.
  • Asian hate/Simu Liu's post.
These all kind of relate to the same thing, it all has to do with how people treat other races and how racism is such a big thing everywhere. My personal opinion on this all is that it's really sad and upsetting how so many people go through the same type of discrimination just based on their race. Asian people getting called names and bullied just about the corona virus, Polynesian families being dragged out of their homes early in the morning to get taken away and questioned and all of the racism towards Muslim people. None of it is right and I just don't understand how it got this way, I want to help somehow with everything that happens even just by raising awareness helps and knowing that it's wrong. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

DNA Extraction Experiment - Science

 Aim: To find DNA in kiwifruit.


- Mush half a kiwifruit in a zip lock bag with a splash of water and small teaspoon of salt. 

- Strain the solution through a cloth into a beaker.

- Add a squirt of dish washing liquid and stir. 

- Pour into a test tube.

- Place the test tube in a beaker filled with WARM water. 

- Leave for 10 mins.

- Slowly pour 5mL of methylated spirits down the side of the test tube.


Discussion: Where do you find DNA?DNA is located in the nucleus in forms of chromosomes. What makes up DNA? DNA is made up of genes, genes are sections of DNA, your traits like your hair colour, eye colour ect. 

Conclusion: Did it work? would you do anything differently? It did work very well we managed to separate the solution and found the DNA. I wouldn't do anything differently. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

News Article - Social Studies

Save the sea to see the future

Do you ever think about how much rubbish is actually in the ocean? And how dangerous it is? 

Currently our ocean is filled with rubbish. Any kind of rubbish can get into the ocean, from glass bottles to aluminum cans and even medical waste. You may have heard of the great pacific garbage patch, the patch is a place in the pacific ocean that has a surface area of 1.6 million square kilometres which is twice the size of Texas and three times the size of France. Many organizations and companies across the world are doing their best to help clean and eventually decrease the size of the patch and hopefully get it to a point where it can't get any bigger. You may be wondering how the garbage patch came to be, it formed by the pollution in the ocean being pushed towards by ocean currents. The garbage patch and ocean pollution in general is effecting our environment in a negative way because it is killing marine life to the point of extinction and making it hard for humans to use the ocean in the way it is meant to be used. 

Not to mention that the ocean produces over half of worlds oxygen and absorbs 50 times more carbon dioxide than our atmosphere. 

There are many things us humans can do to make a difference in ocean pollution and to help our planet from global warming. If we all do our part and not litter, use recyclable products and raise awareness about this situation we can help our ocean and make a change. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Ocean Pollution - Social Studies

In social studies so far this term we have been learning about the ocean and the pollution that is filling it. So far I've learnt that most ocean pollution starts on land and slowly makes it's way into the ocean. Other things that cause marine pollution are oil spills, littering and ocean mining. 

The great pacific garbage patch is a place in the ocean where a lot of rubbish has all came together and made a patch. Organizations are currently cleaning it up little by little and say it is not hopeless but will take some effort. The garbage patch came together by all of the rubbish in the ocean being pushed by ocean currents. This garbage patch is effecting our environment in a negative way because it is killing marine life and taking over their homes. 

The pollution that is in the ocean isn't just creating patches of rubbish or washing up on shore it is also killing the marine animals. These animals rely on the ocean, it is there home. From eating the rubbish to getting trapped in it and their habitats getting destroyed most marine life are slowly fighting for their lives.

Some things that YOU can do to help prevent more marine pollution is 
- Use recyclable products.
- Don't litter.
- Put your rubbish in the right bins. 
- Conserve water.
- Use less energy.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Testing for the presence of Oxygen - Science

Testing for the presence of Oxygen

Aim: To carry out a test for the presence of Oxygen Gas (02)
Equipment: A pea-sized amount of manganese dioxide (Mn02), boiling tube, bottle of hydrogen peroxide (H202), safety glasses, wooden splint, Bunsen burner, test tube rack.

1. Light your Bunsen burner.
2. Add the manganese dioxide to the boiling tube and place it in your test tube rack. 
3. Add 2mL of hydrogen peroxide. 
4. Light a splint and let it burn for a while. 
5. Blow the splint out and insert the glowing embers into the mouth of the boiling tube. 

Observations: The mixture rose to the top of the tube after the hydrogen peroxide was added. It also made smoke and bubbles. When we put the 
splint in the tube the splint reignited. That happened because if oxygen is present the splint will reignite and that did happen so the experiment 
Discussion: The oxygen gas from both reactants was released which is how the splint reignited. 
Conclusion: This experiment went well and it did indeed work.