Great blog posts have: | |
Title Grab the reader’s attention | Slinkachu Photography + Photoshop |
Learning What have you been learning about? Why did you learn this? | Slinkachu is an artist who focuses on photography and his work is revolved around small figures and big backgrounds. Here are some photos of his work. |
DLO How can you show what you have been doing?
| Your photo’s here - Here are some of my photos through out this semester. Original Photos: Edited Photo: Sadly I didn't save my other edited photos but I have this, I was just playing around with it I actually had no idea what I was doing. |
Reflection How did your learning go? | My learning was great this semester I had a lot of fun trying new things, working with new people and researching about a lot different things. The biggest challenge for me what using the photo shop app as it got very confusing and didn't work at times so it was frustrating. |
Question What do you want your readers to comment on? | What can I do next time to make my photos better? |
Sources Links to where you found the information and any extra programmes or apps you used. | |
Label Which folder of your drive would this work go in? | 9Art2 |
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Friday, November 27, 2020
Blog Evaluation - Music
What have you enjoyed learning in music this year?
- I really enjoyed learning keyboard and some of the drums towards the end of the term, but everything was really fun to learn.
What have you found challenging about music this year?
- I found the guitar quite challenging as I really wanted to learn a song but I didn't have enough time or patience.
What did you preform for your final assessment, who did you preform with, why did you choose that song?
- I preformed beat it by Michael Jackson with Nature, Anneleise and Hassan. We chose beat it because it was stuck in Natures head and it sounded good with all of the different instruments we can play.
How did you find preforming?
- I found it fun, I was nervous at the start but when we were playing it felt good and I was having a lot of fun.
Were you happy with your performance?
- Yes I was happy with it as we got up there, did it with out hesitation and it came out better than I thought.
Any other comments about music 2020?
- I really enjoyed learning new things and getting to be in the amazing Mrs Beers class, if you're reading this miss thanks for a great semester!
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Health Blogpost
In health we were set a task to get information and research about something that is health related. The topic I chose was anxiety. Firstly we had to get our 5 big questions and then answer them.
Here are my questions
Why is anxiety harmful?
Anxiety isn’t just mentally harmful but is harmful to all areas of your hauora. Anxiety has a lot of effects on the body/taha tinana such as rapid heart rate, palpitations and chest pain. When having anxiety you may experience palpitations, this is when your heart skips a beat, is beating at a very fast paced or fluttering. If you ever experience a panic or anxiety attack your body is very uncontrollable and your breathing increases a lot. These can influence coronary events if you already have a heart disease.
Obviously anxiety is harmful towards your mental health as it is one of the most common mental illnesses. Anxiety can cause your brain to release stress hormones on a regular basis, this can cause you to experience headaches, dizziness, depression and can stop you from doing everyday things as your stress level may be too high. As I will mention later anxiety can lead to other mental illnesses such depression which is another common illness.
Anxiety can also affect your taha whanau or your social wellbeing because sometimes people with anxiety distance themselves from friends and family. The consequence of this is losing relationships with people or being unable to make more.
What other issues link with anxiety?
Anxiety can lead to a lot of other issues including other mental illnesses such as depression. Depression can also cause anxiety, they are two of the most common mental illnesses that unfortunately affect many people. Depression can be caused by many things, for example if you have anxiety it stops you from doing many things which can cause your life to become lonely or uninteresting then you can become depressed and face that awful feeling.
Anxiety can also come with other issues or lead to other issues such as insomnia, social isolation, digestive or bowel problems, eating disorders, problems functioning at school or work, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and many more dreadful issues. It’s important to have control of your anxiety and know how to cope with it so you don’t have to experience the other issues that link with having anxiety. These can be short term issues or long term issues.
Who/what influences people to strongly experience this mental illness?
Many things can cause or trigger anxiety. I think the most common cause is stress. Stress or worrying isn’t good for our bodies. In fact it can get so bad that someone will have to stop doing daily activities due to the stress or worry. Trauma, loss, poor family connection, difficulties socialising a lot of factors can cause poor mental health.
Not only do feelings trigger or cause anxiety but people also. Surrounding yourself around the wrong people is dangerous in many way, big events can be scary for people with anxiety especially social anxiety. Some people with certain personality types can experience anxiety in a more awful way then others, others are more prone to this feeling.
Anxiety can also be genetic.
How does society affect or trigger anxiety?
Society can have a very big impact on those who experience anxiety. Some people may have social anxiety and big events, big groups can trigger their anxiety.
Sometimes anxiety is recognised and treated as a joke in society which can affect people really badly as they may feel like they’re alone and no one believes or understands what they are going through.
Anxiety can also be played around with which is not okay whatsoever. Some people may trigger others by worrying them and making them stressed and feel like something big and bad is going to occur. I think it’s important that anxiety is recognised in today’s society as many people suffer from it.
How do you overcome this?
The most important thing you can do to overcome anxiety is making sure people know how you feel and that your voice is heard. It isn’t easy to overcome this by yourself, with someone by your side who can help you and be there for you is great.
By improving your anxiety and overcoming it, it can strengthen your hauora in all areas which is really
Here are some ways that you can overcome anxiety overall.
Get moving: It’s important to get up and do something useful with your day instead of staying in bed and accomplishing nothing that can make you feel worse.
Go to sleep earlier: Getting a good night's sleep ready for the next day is really important for your body and mind.
Don’t skip meals: If your anxiety causes nausea the thought of food is as appealing as eating bugs but if you skip meals it can make anxiety worse, your blood sugars drop when you don’t eat which releases stress hormones.
Live in the moment: Living in the moment is a way to not let anxiety take over. If you’re thinking about an exam or test next week that will ruin your mood in that moment, it is important to forget about your worries and think about what's happening right now and just enjoy life.
From there we had to list 3 strategies to prevent or deal with our chosen topic. Here are mine.
1 - Shout it out: All areas of wellbeing.If someone knows how you're feeling they can possibly help you or know of someone who can provide help. They can help you with all areas your physical health can improve, you can build new relationships again, focus on your beliefs or religion and get back to a good mindset and good mental health.
Long Term.
2 - Get moving: This can especially help with your taha tinana as it can get your body back into shape and moving again, it can also help every other area because if you’re up and moving it’s distraction from worrying all of the time and overthinking.
Long term.
3 - Live in the moment: Living in the moment is the most important thing, it helps strengthen all areas of your wellbeing. Instead of worrying about something that is a week away think about what's happening right now.
Short term.
Here is my create task, I chose to do a collage on how anxiety and I chose photos that I think best describe how it feels.
I used these images from cosmopolitan, here is the link:
Challenges Chart - Coraline
Here are my challenges chart for Coraline and Wybie
What am I learning?
I am learning how to understand how a character is developed in a film.
How does this work show my learning?
I have shown a characters problem, how they solved it and how that describes them.
What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
I am not wondering anything!
Here are the links to the photos I used of Coraline and Wybie.
- Coraline:
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
What makes a good leader?
In this blog post I will share my thoughts on what makes a good leader.
Here are some qualities/traits that I think a good leader has.
- Communication Skills
- Determination
- Empathy
- Respect
- Honesty
- Thinks outside the box
- Passion
- Integrity
- Mindful and aware
Those are only a few but some good leaders that i think show these traits are
- Barack Obama
- Jacinda Adern
- HHS Prefects
- Albert Einstein
- Muhammad Ali
- Nelson Mandela
- Abraham Lincoln
I think a good leader has to have respect and empathy for the people they are leading, they also should show integrity which is doing the right thing even when no one is watching. Being good at communicating is important because it's good to be able to listen to people and be able to answer questions.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
SEXXXY Paragraph - Film Studies
In Coraline camera angles are used effectively. For example a medium close up is used when we see the other mother introduced for the first time. This makes us feel confused as she has buttons on her eyes. The director chose to do this shot so we can vividly see the other mother. This was combined with the lighting to give us a sense of feeling welcomed or at home. This can be compared with the meeting of the real mother because the same angle is used but the colouring was less warm and unfriendly.
Friday, October 23, 2020
Group Performance - Music
What is the name of the song you are doing? Who wrote it?
Beat It by Michael Jackson, he wrote it himself.
Link to the song:
What is this song about?
“Beat It” by Michael Jackson mainly focuses on avoiding violence by deliberately walking away from a fight.
Who is in your group? What is each person doing?
Nature - Electric Guitar
Anneleise - Piano
Hassanin - Drums
Chloe - Drums
Which part of the song are you working on first?
How do you feel about performing to your class for the first time?
Nervous but excited.
Friday, October 16, 2020
Themes (Workshop 1) - Coraline
Here is my "theme guide booklet" for the Coraline movie.
What am I learning: I'm learning how to find different themes in movies.
How does this work show my learning: It shows my understanding of the some of the different themes in Coraline.
What am I wondering as a result of this learning: I am wondering how many themes there were in Coraline in total.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Hand - Science
This blog post will be about a human hand and how it works and everything that is in the hand.
The hand is made up of 6 things
- Tendons
- Joints
- Bones
- Ligaments
- Muscles
- Cartilage
In your fingers there are bones, joints, cartilage, ligaments and tendons running down your fingers.
Muscles are not located in your fingers .
Tendons: Tendons are like the thread they start a the top of the finger and wrap around a bone, they go through your fingers to your forearm.
Joints: The joints in the fingers are where the bones meet and allow the bones to move smoothly. They are in between each bone.
Bones: There are 3 bones in each fingers but 2 bones in the thumb, there are also bones in the palm for each fingers. The bones of the hand provide flexibility.
Ligaments: Ligaments are tough pieces of connective tissue that join one bone to another, they are attached to either side of joint.
Muscles: The muscles are not located in the finger but in our forearm, the tendons attach to the muscles.
Cartilage: The cartilage is inside of the joints, it stops the bones from rubbing together.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Instrument Evaluation
1. What have you studied in music this term?
- We have studied piano, ukulele and guitar.
2. Which instrument have you enjoyed and why?
- I have really enjoyed piano because I had no idea how to play at all and I really improved.
3. Which instrument did you find most challenging and why?
- Piano because I didn't know any chords or how to put my hands.
4. Which instrument are you going to focus on for the rest of the term and why? What would you like to achieve.
- I'm going to focus on guitar because I would love to be able to play the guitar.
Friday, September 11, 2020
Hannah Hoch Montage - Art
For art this term we have been focusing on montages, we researched Hannah Hoch and got inspiration from her artwork. Hannah mixes together different photographs to create one big montage, I really like her art because it isn't like other types of art pieces.
Here is what I got in the end, I mixed together a mannequin with a ladies eyes and then I put doves surrounding her. I wanted to go for a neutral colour theme and I'm happy with how it turned out :)
Thursday, September 10, 2020
The Guitar - Music
Labelled diagram -
What is challenging about playing/learning the guitar?
- The most challenging thing for me was holding it comfortably and learning when to stroke.
What are the differences bewteen guitar and ukulele?
- Ukulele are smaller and only have 4 strings and guitar are bigger with 6 strings. Ukulele are easier for me to play.
Guitar song:
Wish you were here - Pink Floyd.
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
English - Camera Angles
Camera Techniques.
Camera Shots:
- Extreme Close Up
- Close up
- Medium Close up
- Medium Shot
- Long Shot
- Long (Wide) Shot
- Extreme Long Shot
- Point Of View
- Mise En Place
Camera Angles:
- Low Angle
- High Angle
- Eye Level
- Birds Eye Level
- Dutch Tilt
- Tilt
Camera Movements:
- Tracking
- Pan
Examples of Camera shots and camera angles.
Extreme Close up -

Close up -

Medium Close up -

Medium Shot -

Medium Long Shot -

Long Shot -

Long (wide) shot -

Extreme Long Shot -
Low Angle -

High Angle -

Eye Level -

Birds Eye View -

Dutch Tilt -

Pan -

Tilt -

Tracking -

What am I learning?
I'm learning about different types of camera angles, shots and movements.
How does this work show my learning?
It shows my understanding on which categories these different types of angles, shots and movements go in and also the photos show what the different things look like.
What am I wondering?
I am wondering how they film most of these so I will research more about them to get a better understanding.
Friday, September 4, 2020
Ukulele - Music 1
1 - Describe your study of Ukulele, have I enjoyed it?
I really did enjoy ukulele it is one of my favourite instruments to play. It was easy but hard because some chords are hard to play but some are easy.
2 - Where is the ukulele from? Where was it formed, by who?
The ukulele is from hawaii by Joao Fernandez.
3 - Labelled diagram of ukulele.
4 - What song have I been learning?
I have been using just the way the way you are by bruno mars.
Here's the link to the video I used
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
English - Film Language
Today's blog post is my completed work of my definitions of film language.
Body Language: The conscious or unconscious movements and postures that are portrayed by how the character/person is feeling.
Costumes: Clothes used to describe the personality of a character.
Hairstyles: The way a persons hair is done can be used to portray a character.
Make-up: Cosmetics like lipstick or eye shadow that can help describe a character.
Colour: How to set the mood of a scene, ext red for angry, blue for sad.
Lighting: Exaggerated to make something or someone stand out or dimmed when something is upsetting or less exciting.
Props: Things used to make a scene more realistic or detailed.
Settings: A place with different types of surroundings to describe the story better.
Dialogue: Used to either elevate a plot or reveal something new about a character.
Sound Effects: Sounds used to make a scene more emphasising or create a mood.
Music: Music is also used to set a certain mood or make a scene more interesting.
Silence: Used to create a serious or sad atmosphere.
Symbols: Most of the time an object used to suggest new ideas.
Special FX: Used to create a more realistic look for a movie or show.
What am I learning? I am learning the definitions film language.
How does this work show my learning? It shows my learning because I gave my own worded definitions.
What am I wondering as a result of this learning? I'm wondering if there is more for me to know about.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Hurumanu 5 - Math
- We started off with geometry and learning how to measure angles and find the angle, then we went to algebra and learning how to understand the symbols.
This is our presentation for explaining algebra in science.
Critical Reflection:
- I've really enjoyed this hurumanu although it was challenging and it took me a while to understand and get the hang of it but in the end I enjoyed it and Mr Carter is a very cool teacher and made things a lot easier to learn and understand. I'm glad I told Mr Carter that I was struggling because he made things a lot easier.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
The Piano - Music
1 - Where was the piano invented and who by?
- It was made in italy by Bartolomeo Cristofori.
2 - What did the first piano look like?
3 - What is the difference between a keyboard and a piano?
- A keyboard is electronic and the keys are plastic. A piano isn't electronic, it echoes more and the keys are heavier.
4 - What have you enjoyed about learning the piano/keyboard, what have you found challenging?
- I really liked learning different songs and how to read it. The challenging thing is understanding when to play the key but I overcame that challeng.
Overall I have had a really good time and i've enjoyed learning the keyboard.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Lemon Power
Lemon Power:
Voltage: Voltage is the energy that electrons get from a power supply. Voltage is used to make electrical components work, like light bulbs.
Current: Current is the movement of electrons, we measure current with am ammeter. An ammeter measures how many electrons pass it every second.
Aim: To create voltage out of a lemon.
1. Roll the lemon out so the inside is liquid.
2. Stick a piece of zinc and copper into the lemon.
3. Connect the lemon up to a voltmeter.
Discussion: When we rolled the lemon we made the inside liquidy. We freed up all of these acidic charged particles. When it is solid, nothing is moving but when we make it a liquid all of the particles move around and create a circuit.
Conclusion: The first volt was 0.5 and then we moved it closer together and it got 1.5. When we connected all of the classes lemons it was 2.7
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Music Task
Music Task
Music term 3
- Why did you choose music?
I chose music because I've always wanted to be able to play an instrument and i'm interested in music.
- What would you like to learn in music?
I would like to learn how to play the drums and if I can electric guitar, basically a little bit of everything. I would also like to learn how to read music and techniques so I can understand better.
- Do you play an instrument? for how long? What can you play?
I used to play ukulele and my dad taught me a little bit of drums rather than that not really.
- Who is your favourite singer/band why?
My favourite artist is probably Miguel or Khalid. My favourite bands are BTS, Arctic Monkeys, The Neighbourhood, The Smiths and Twice. I have a very mixed taste in music.
- Name 5 or your favourite songs
505 - Arctic Monkeys
Home - BTS
Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
There is a light that never goes out - The Smiths
Fluorescent Adolescent - Arctic Monkeys
+ 1 more, Lotus Flower Bomb - Miguel
+ 1 more, Lotus Flower Bomb - Miguel
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Kiwi Baker - Brownies
This week in home economics we put together our brownie recipe for the kiwi baker task, here is the recipe, method, outcome and sensory evaluation.
Raising Agents: Eggs, Baking Powder.
Cooking time: 20-30 minutes.
Raising Agents: Eggs, Baking Powder.
Cooking time: 20-30 minutes.
- 125g Butter
- 1/4 cup cocoa
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 larger eggs
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- 1 cup flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- Melt the butter in a medium sized pot.
- Remove from heat and add in cocoa powder.
- Add the sugar, eggs and vanilla essence, mix thoroughly.
- Sift in the flour and baking powder. Stir until all ingredients are combined.
- Pour the mixture into the prepared baking tray lined with baking paper.
- Bake at 180C for 20-30 minutes until firm in the centre.
- When cold cut the finished product cut into rectangles and remove from the tin.
- Serve with a tea or coffee or by itself.
Things to know for next time:
- Make sure the baking paper is at level with the tray.
- Make the batter thicker.
- Use the right size eggs and tray.
Taste: They had the right amount of sugar and tasted very rich.
Texture: They were fluffy and melted in your mouth when warm.
Looks: They had a nice swirl on top and looked nice and gooey in the middle.
I was happy with the outcome of our brownies we just need to keep those things in mind next time for a better result.
Monday, June 29, 2020
Political Poster - Emmeline Pankhurst
This is my last task on the heroes and villains.
Emmeline started women's rights protests and wanted justice for women.
Here is the poster.
Emmeline started women's rights protests and wanted justice for women.
Here is the poster.
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