Yesterday in Home Economics we made scones. Here is the process, how the team worked, the outcome, how they tastes and the texture and next steps.
I got the dry ingredients for my group and combined the butter and dry ingredients together, I found the butter part a bit difficult because people were telling me I was doing it wrong. Here's a quick explanation of the process.
Firstly we had to get all of our ingredients and then sift the flour, baking powder and salt into the bowl, secondly we cut the butter into cubes and then rubbed the butter into the bowl. Then we added the grated cheese and milk, then knead the dough on the table. Next we cut the dough into 8 squares and placed them on to the tray with a little bit of milk brushed on the top of each one.
My team didn't do to well, we got distracted a lot and would argue over who was doing what. But in the end we got the scones finished and they didn't taste too bad. I would definitely like my team to work better next time or move groups.
The taste and texture wasn't too bad but I personally think they could've been cooked a little longer because the texture tasted a bit raw but still enjoyable. The top of the scone was golden and nice but the inside was a bit gooey.
Next time I think my group or whoever i'm working with everyone in the group should do something to help instead of one person doing most of it.
Here is a outcome photo of the scones.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Chloe. I am pleased to see that you can differentiate between a product (Scones) being nearly cooked and cooked for the optimum amount of time.