
Wednesday, March 27, 2019



Empathy is putting yourself into other people's shoes and motivating people to feel good about themselves. Having the ability to understand share the feelings of others.

Motivate others to feel good about themselves.
Putting yourself into someone else's shoes.
Allowing your friends and other to talk to you.
Talking to others

Friday, March 22, 2019

Tuesdays Session

What sport were you presenting? 

What modifications did your group make and why? 
It was basically just a simple game of netball but before the GA's and the GS's scored they had to either put the ball through their legs or around there waist.

What went well? 
Well with the first group no one listened and it was very messy because they wouldn't co-operate but in the end with both groups we got there even if it didn't go as planned.

What would you change? 
I would make sure next time we would all have a whistle and the proper bibs.

What were the differences between your first and second sessions? 
The first session no one was listening and respecting us also it was very messy and took us ages to get ready and the second time people listened and we ended up getting more time to play but it still wasn't perfect or went as planned.

Reflection: Am I a leader? Why/Why not? 
Not to be cocky but I would say I am definitely a leader because I found that I'm always up and telling people what they have to do and running the sessions the most, but I tried not to be bossy and let others lead as well. 

Friday, March 15, 2019

Touch Tournamemt

On Tuesday I went to a touch tournament at South Hagley park alongside some of the Rugby Academy people. Here's how the day went. 

When we first got there we were doing warm up drills because our game was in 10 minutes, the first team we versed was Chiselwood. I was more excited than nervous to be honest. We lost that game but we tried our best. 

After versing Chiselwood we versed Cobham There were about 20-30 minute breaks between each game. During our break we practised what we needed to get better at like, passing, sprinting forward instead of jogging and finding gaps to run through. 

The other teams we versed were...
- Kirkwood 
- Heaton 
- Casebrook 

Unfortunately we lost all our games but we tried our best and had a positive attitude throughout the day even when we lost. I had lots of fun and I can't wait until the next tournament! 

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Movie Camera Angles

Here are some most used camera angles with a definition and a photo.

W.A.L.T - I can explain a variety of camera angles used to make a movie.

Close up - 
This angle is taken of an object in a movie in close range intended to show greater detail for the viewer.
Image result for close up movie angle

Over the shoulder - 
The over the shoulder angle is a shot taken from behind the shoulder to show the perspective of that the character is looking at.
Image result for over the shoulder movie angle

Long shot - 
A long shot shows a from a considerable distance so that people appear as indistinct shapes.
Image result for long shot movie angle

Low angle - 
This angle shows people from down on the ground, basically the shot makes the human appear taller.
Image result for low angle shot  movie angle

Extreme long shot - 
An extreme long shot is a view from an even greater distance in which people appear in small dots. 
Image result for extreme long shot  movie angle

These are some of the angles we used in my groups movie. 

Monday, March 11, 2019

Music - Movie Making Module

For music this term 7/8 Sh and 7/8Ds have been filming movies. In my group including Anneleise, Keyana, Brianna, Jaz and Rory we have been filming the three little pigs.

These are the roles -
Jaz - Narrator
Brianna - Camera Man
Chloe ( Me ) - Little pig
Anneleise - Little pig
Keyana - Little pig
Rory - Big Bad Wolf

Our movie is a remake of the three little pigs but it isn't the exact same there are changes. We started off with getting an idea of who was going to do what. After we figured that out we started to write our script it took a lot of work because we kept making mistakes but it ended up working out and we practised our scripts a couple of periods before filming. While filming it got a little messy and we haven't filmed our whole movie yet but still working on it. At the moment we are working on finishing the movie and get it ready for Jaz to edit and get it ready for presenting.

We will keep you updated, once our movie is ready for presenting we will post it for you to look and see what we have been upto....

Bye for now :)