
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Hurumanu 5 - Math


- We started off with geometry and learning how to measure angles and find the angle, then we went to algebra and learning how to understand the symbols. 

This is our presentation for explaining algebra in science.

Critical Reflection: 

- I've really enjoyed this hurumanu although it was challenging and it took me a while to understand and get the hang of it but in the end I enjoyed it and Mr Carter is a very cool teacher and made things a lot easier to learn and understand. I'm glad I told Mr Carter that I was struggling because he made things a lot easier. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Piano - Music

 1 - Where was the piano invented and who by?

- It was made in italy by Bartolomeo Cristofori.

2 - What did the first piano look like? 

The Piano: The Pianofortes of Bartolomeo Cristofori (1655–1731 ...

3 - What is the difference between a keyboard and a piano? 

- A keyboard is electronic and the keys are plastic. A piano isn't electronic, it echoes more and the keys are heavier. 

4 - What have you enjoyed about learning the piano/keyboard, what have you found challenging?

- I really liked learning different songs and how to read it. The challenging thing is understanding when to play the key but I overcame that challeng. 

Overall I have had a really good time and i've enjoyed learning the keyboard. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

Lemon Power

Lemon Power: 

Voltage: Voltage is the energy that electrons get from a power supply. Voltage is used to make electrical components work, like light bulbs.

Current: Current is the movement of electrons, we measure current with am ammeter. An ammeter measures how many electrons pass it every second. 

Aim: To create voltage out of a lemon.

1. Roll the lemon out so the inside is liquid. 

2. Stick a piece of zinc and copper into the lemon. 

3. Connect the lemon up to a voltmeter. 


Discussion: When we rolled the lemon we made the inside liquidy. We freed up all of these acidic charged particles. When it is solid, nothing is moving but when we make it a liquid all of the particles move around and create a circuit. 

Conclusion: The first volt was 0.5 and then we moved it closer together and it got 1.5. When we connected all of the classes lemons it was 2.7