
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Light Bars - Digital Technology

For the past few weeks in digital technology we have been designing and making light bars. Light bars are wooden pieces made into a bar with an led light strip in between the wood. A piece of acrylic sheet is placed in the slit of the bar and the led light makes the sheet glow.

We started off on laser cutter designing what we wanted on our acrylic sheet, I decided to put my favourite boy group name. Then Mr Rzoska printed it out. We then created the bars.

Creating the bars were really easy we only needed wood, pva glue and a light strip. We put all of the materials together and used the belt sander to make the edges smoother.

After all of the putting together all the bits and bobs we tested it out by connecting the led strip to the desktops and watching it light up.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Jikoshokai - Japanese

Today in japanese we did our 'Jikoshokai's/Mihi. \
Here is my one.